Saturday, June 16, 2012

TXJS Presentations Remotely

I've never been able to attend a TXJS conference so I've admired the event from afar. It looks like Rebecca Murphey and Alex Sexton hosted another grand event. Here are some great presentations.

Pamela Fox @pamelafox did a presentation on "localStorage: Use It, Don't Abuse It" that is very well documented and a great resource on local storage. The link to Steve Souders case study on Google and Bing is one example that I really appreciated.

Rebecca Murphey @rmurphey presented "A New Baseline for Front-End Developers" which which really helps me know where I should be pushing my limits. For example, I really want to automate a lot of my developement/deployment and it reminded me to study Grunt which was on my todo list from jsconf.

"Machine Learning in JavaScript" would not have crossed my mind prior to seeing this presentation by Heather Arthur @harthvader. Perhaps I should be spending a hour per day on node again.

Ashley @ClassicallyGeek did a wrap up of TXJS which mentioned a talk by Dave Rupert @davatron5000 on "JavaScript in Responsive Web Design". The fitvids.js jQuery plugin looks very interesting.

Finally, I'm looking forward to seeing Jed Schmidt's @jedschmidt presentation on "NPM: Node's Personal Manservant". He always has a interesting way of looking at things so I want to see his latest thinking.

All the videos from last year are here. Maybe the 2012 ones will be there soon.

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